Personal Branding – Don’t Get Left in the Digital Dust

Personal branding is far from black and white. But influencers in all fields can fall prey to the “imposter syndrome”. The expectation that they have all the answers leads to refraining from asking the hard questions and standing in place.

With the speed of change today, and lack of constant experimentation, you can easily get left in digital dust!

Next week #GamePlan will launch a new e-learning series to teach student-athletes how to intentionally develop, refine, and scale their personal brands.

Keep an eye out for my video series: Brand Breakdown and learn why despite a pandemic putting sports events in bubbles and virtually muting fanbases, it’s time to maximize this unique sports environment.

#sportsmarketing #nil #ncaa #collegesports #sportsbiz #gameplan #football #studentathletes #sports #personalbranding #elearning #talkwalker #fans

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